Miscellaneous - Excellence

Here you will find further spare parts which are not listed in the other categories of the Excellence.
If you look for something special not listed in our shop feel free to contact us by
telephone 0049 - 172 - 510 5103 or send a

Inlay Tool box - foam material
148,75 EUR
incl. 19% tax
Screwdriver in toolbox - Reproduction
57,72 EUR
incl. 19% tax
Metal sign: "NUMÉRO DE CARROSSERIE" - Reproduction
38,68 EUR
incl. 19% tax
New nameplate for all Facel Vega - TÜV
50,58 EUR
incl. 19% tax
Warning label on chassis
101,15 EUR
incl. 19% tax
Warning label on chassis - in German
104,72 EUR
incl. 19% tax
Sticker for steel wheel type "Rudge"
23,56 EUR
incl. 19% tax
79,49 EUR
incl. 19% tax
1 to 22 (from a total of 22)